Sunday, August 29, 2010

Practices in Digital Painting

I decided to take Intro to Computer Graphics this semester to see how the other half of Memphis College of Art lives...up in those cold rooms, hiding behind those newest generation pizza box macs, glancing longingly at their coffee sitting on the shelf beside the well-designed "NO FOOD OR DRINK" signs on the wall.

I stroll into the first day expecting to see oh, maybe Meredith Root, or Don DuMont at the wheel of this monster, BUT NO. Dwayne Butcher. Yes, Drip-Masta Dwayne. He is back in my life. I will put my muumuu on.

I've experimented with some of the tools and this rubber duck that we all found on our desktops, waiting for us like a folded napkin at a soiree.

Arbitrary text choices.

With this bad boy up here ^, I opened photobooth and drew myself with some of the brushes (a rather broad selection, indeed). CK pointed out that I could've taken a photo and drawn over it, to which I thought "yes, that would have been the pussy way to do it."

It's very, very cold in these mac labs.

I wish I were here instead.

1 comment:

  1. do not forget to throughly read the requirements for the Postcard Project.
