Sunday, November 21, 2010

three dimensional ai

An in-class diddy done with the grid tool:

An interior with a window creeper:


  1. Haha, I see that your live trace came out awesomely from yesterday ;D

  2. These turned out really good! I like the second one with the guy's head poking over! It's creative and creepy! I also like the idea of just doing a cluttered corner of an interior!

  3. I really like your orange it suppose to be Nashville? because that looks like a good replica of the batman tower. Your interior is slightly crowed...maybe stretching it out some will help with space.

  4. the live paint thing is really cool looking. on the third composition, you could make the sidewalk meet the street, or give the sidewalk some depth.

  5. Live trace is freaky. Good, but freaky. Your interior reminds me of De Chirico

  6. I really like the weird bright orange color of your sky in the first cityscape. Gives it a very creepy feel.
    The interior studio is also really cool, You forgot shadows for the back legs of the table/thing. Also the on shadow in the front isn't lining up with the leg in the front.

  7. Your cityscape is really kewl i like the creeper, also it seems as if he could be a monster or someone building a miniature city.

  8. these are all very interesting, I really like how you did the city at the top as if we were pedestrians :P very cool style

  9. Batman Building, yesss. I was just there this weekend; Love me some Nashville. Your live trace is very intricate, and you have such a nice sense of color. I'm guessing that's the painter in you.
